MANAGERIAL FINANCE - 21903 - FIN 203 - OL1 |
Associated Term: Spring Semester 2024
Levels: Continuing Learner, Graduate, Undergraduate Main Campus Campus Lecture Schedule Type Classroom Lecture Instructional Method 48 Day(s) Duration 3.000 Credits View Bulletin
Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Continuing Education Continuing Learner Graduate Must be enrolled in one of the following Concentrations: Online program Prerequisites: (Graduate level pre-reqx2 ACCT 203 Minimum Grade of TR or Graduate level pre-reqx2 ACCT 230 Minimum Grade of TR or ACCT 203 Waiver 01) and (Graduate level pre-reqx2 QM 203 Minimum Grade of TR or Graduate level pre-reqx2 BAN 203 Minimum Grade of TR or QM 203 Waiver 01) |
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