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Fall Semester 2023
Mar 13, 2025
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Syllabus Information
(NS) GENERAL PHYSICS LAB - 90036 - PHYS 011B - 05

Associated Term: Fall Semester 2023
Levels: Continuing Learner, Graduate, Undergraduate

Main Campus Campus
Sub-Section Schedule Type

Learning Objectives: The physics laboratory experience will provide a practical perspective for many of the concepts developed in the physics class lectures. General methods of scientific investigation and data analysis will be developed and applied in the laboratory. (M. Edwards)
Required Materials: • The Laboratory Manual for 011B (Introductory Physics Laboratory Volume 1, Author: Mark Edwards) It’s the one with the brown cover, not the old yellow cover, 2015 or newer for used purchases are OK. • One hard bound, graph-ruled notebook (quad ruled notebook, approximately 50 sheets of paper). This is a composition type notebook, the pages of which are in ¼” squares, it is not a spiral notebook that pages can be removed from. Students should number the pages sequentially. All notes, data, sketches, sample calculations and “rough” graphs should be recorded in the graph-ruled notebook, not on extraneous sheets of paper or in another notebook. The squares facilitate tabulating and graphing of data. The student should number the pages; pages should not be skipped or left blank. At the end of each laboratory session, students are required to have their instructor sign and date their notebook. • One scientific calculator (with trigonometric functions) • A clear plastic metric ruler (30 cm – approximately 1 foot in length), • Optional but recommended: a French curve and a clear plastic right triangle.
Technical Requirements: Professor A. Lukaszewski Angela.R.Lukaszewski@Hofstra.edu (angluke@aol.com) Office Hour: PHYS-011B-01 Monday 1:30-2:30 PM Rm. 201/204 (by appointment) PHYS-011B-05 Wednesday 1:30-2:30 PM Rm. 201/204 (by appointment) (If you email me on a Saturday or Sunday, I may not get to your email until Monday morning.) Students will be asked to leave the classroom due to their vaccination clearance status. If a student refuses to follow policy: Current university policy is that all students must be cleared on the roster, and do not leave the classroom to remedy the situation, the class will be canceled for everyone, and the student will be reported. Grading & Attendance Policies Laboratory reports will make up 75% of your final grade. The Laboratory Exam will make up 20% of your final grade. Class participation will make up 5% of your final grade. Please see the Department laboratory policy regarding attendance in your Physics Laboratory Manual, Page v, 1. Introduction, General Information: Attendance is mandatory. All experiments must be performed in person. If, for some legitimate reason, an experiment is missed, it must be made up before the end of the semester. A makeup session is scheduled at the end of the semester; in order to accommodate this inevitable, but hopefully unusual, situation. Any student who has not performed and submitted a report for each experiment will receive a grade of INC or F, at the instructor’s discretion. * Laboratory reports are due one week** after the experiment is performed. Points will be deducted for late reports. The reports must adhere to the format specified in section V of this introduction***. *I require written documentation for every laboratory activity. Any student who has not submitted written documentation for each activity will receive an F for that activity, the numerical equivalent of this F is zero. When your final grades are calculated, numerical points are assigned to letter grades; an F for a poorly written laboratory report is assigned a numerical grade of 55. ** Your written documentation for formal write-ups will be due one week after the date the activity was performed unless otherwise stated (I allow two weeks for the Normal write-up of Force Lab). “Formal written laboratory reports” that are a session/week late will be downgraded a 1/2 letter grade for EACH session/week late (i.e. an A grade would become a B+ if it isn’t submitted the next time the class meets). Everyone is allowed to have one late “formal written laboratory report” that will not be downgraded the first session/week it is late, but it will be downgraded for subsequent late sessions/weeks. ***Some of the written documentation will follow a formal format and some will be informal. You are required to use the formal write-ups format that I have included in this document (not the one in the laboratory manual.) If you miss a class, please contact me via email and let me know the reason for your absence (Angela.R.Lukaszewski@Hofstra.edu or Angluke@aol.com). In addition, if you miss a class, you must submit either a doctor’s note or a copy of the police report documenting the accident you were in the next class you attend. If you miss the laboratory exam at the end of the semester, you must submit either a doctor’s note or a copy of the police report documenting an accident you were in, to be eligible to take a make-up exam. The exam make-up will be scheduled for the second week of the Fall semester. Extra Credit work will not be accepted during the semester or after grades have been posted. Grades will not be reevaluated once they have been posted. Academic Integrity: Use of AI tools prohibited. You may not use AI or ML tools, such as ChatGPT or Dall-E, or other similar tools on assignments, discussions, exams, and presentations in this course. You are expected to complete each assignment without assistance from others, including AI/ML automated tools. The use of ChatGPT or similar AI tools for work submitted in this course constitutes the receiving of “unauthorized assistance for academic work” and is a violation of the Hofstra University Honor Code. Click here for a definition of AI or ML. Laboratory Examination: You may not use the calculator on your phones or wristwatches during the Laboratory Examination at the end of the semester. General Physics Laboratory Classroom Procedure (In Person sessions) 1. When you enter the lab, sign the attendance sheet, and wait for the instructor before you begin your measurements. Under no circumstances will the student make any power connections until the instructor has either personally inspected the individual setup or has given explicit instructions to the student. 2. Occasional lateness will be overlooked, but not if it is habitual. If a student arrives late, it is their responsibility to request the attendance sheet and sign it as proof of their attendance. 3. If you are absent once you can make up the laboratory activity on makeup day at the end of the semester. If you are absent twice, since I’m teaching two sections this semester, you can make up one activity in my Monday afternoon section and the other in my Wednesday afternoon section. If you are absent more than twice you should consider dropping the course because there is a strong likely hood that you will not receive a passing grade in the course. 4. After the instructor has presented an overview of the physics theory, described the apparatus, and explained the experimental techniques at the beginning of each session check your equipment, if any of it is defective; bring it to the attention of the instructor. The student is responsible for all equipment at the table unless the equipment was defective at the beginning of the laboratory session. 5. After completion of the required measurements, the student should do some sample calculations and construct a rough graph in their quad ruled notebook; both are a quick check for possible errors. 6. At the end of each laboratory session students are required to have their instructor sign and date their quad ruled notebook. A copy of the signed data sets is required with the formal laboratory write-ups. Formal Physics Laboratory Report Format 1. Abstract (75 -100 words) • General Objective • How it was accomplished (include key equations equipment used) • Results (comment on key information obtained from your graphs and if the theoretical values fall within the experimental range of uncertainties) • Summary 2. Sketch of Apparatus (Does not have to be hand drawn or computer generated, it can be photocopied, source must be given.) 3. Charts & Graphs (Charts: Columns labeled, units, uncertainties (not % errors)) • Experimental data (Recorded to the correct number of places beyond the decimal point depending on the measuring instrument.) • Results (Including theoretical values and experimental uncertainties, not % errors., # of significant figures associated with experimental results dependent on the data set used.) • Graphs (Title, axes labeled, units on axes, one per page & summary statement on reverse side). HAND-DRAWN graphs will be required for the lab reports. (See Introduction, IV. Computer Usage) 4. Sample calculations ONE per equation used: • Equation in its entirety • Substitution with units • Answer with units 5. Discussion & Conclusion (90% of grade) • Your discussion should be written in such a way that if your laboratory partner was absent, he/she could use your discussion to perform the lab without any assistance. It should tell them what to do, which instruments to use, what data to collect, and what graphs should be generated. • Your discussion should also include pertinent equations, experimental results, theoretical values, experimental uncertainties, and a statement indicating if the theoretical values fell within the experimental range of uncertainties. Comments on your graphs should also be included. Mention general trends and if the experimental and theoretical graphs agree. 6. Hofstra University Honor Code: brief statement & signature (Honor Code Short Form: “I pledge on my honor that I have done this work with honesty and integrity, without giving or receiving unauthorized assistance. I acknowledge that the use of all AI/ML automated tools are prohibited in this course.” 7. A copy of your signed data sheets. Final Grade Laboratory reports will make up 75% of your final grade. The Laboratory Exam will make up 20% of your final grade. Class participation will make up 5% of your final grade. Letter Grade Numerical Equivalents use to determine Final Grade Lab Report: A+ 98 A 95 A- 91 B+ 88 B 85 B- 81 C+ 78 C 75 C- 71 D+ 68 D 65 D- 61 F 55 Numerical Ranges used to determine Final Letter Grade Letter grade Range A 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 A- 90, 91, 92 B+ 87, 88, 89 B 83, 84, 85, 86 B- 80, 81 ,82 C+ 77, 78, 79

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